
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Thinking about Next Year

Today was the last official day of post-planning, and for the first time in the history of my teaching career, I finished cleaning out my classroom and wrapping up my paperwork on time -- no extra days required this year! Granted, there was some definite "Oh, I'll just shove this in this cupboard and deal with it in July" happening around 5pm today, but nevertheless - I'm done!

The cleaning process was prime opportunity for me to think about what I want to do differently next year, and I'm excited to be linking up with Finding JOY in 6th Grade for her "What Will You Do Differently?" Linky. Here's what I came up with:

As you may have read in my Go Paperless Challenge series, I'm very committed to going paperless in my classroom. I had a great test-run during the last 6 weeks of school where I got to experiment and figure out what works and what doesn't. I'll be sharing many of those lessons here over the summer, but I'm DEFINITELY planning to go paperless. It made such a difference in my organization, efficiency, and productivity, and I MUST keep it going next year!

As we were cleaning out the classroom during the last week of school, I realized how much storage space was being occupied by notebooks, folders, and papers that my students won't need next year in a world where we're paperless. I'll be giving lots of thought to how I can better use the newly-available spaces next year. My initial thought is to put out more math materials for students to access routinely.

I did the book study for Guided Math last summer, and I worked on my math endorsement this year. I feel like I've been working very hard on math, but I'm still not quite getting the results that I want. I want to revamp my math instruction again next year to do more of a workshop approach with guided math groups and more individualized tasks and problem solving. Now that I have a better understanding of the Common Core State Standards for math with a year of teaching them under my belt, I feel ready to take the next step.

What are you going to change for next year? Feel free to leave me a comment, and definitely link up with Finding JOY in 6th!

joyin6th Homepage


  1. Hi Alison! I found you through Kim's linky party, and I am glad I did. Your Paperless challenge posts are so informational, and I will be trying some things out this summer. I will definitely be visiting again.

    1. Thanks, and welcome! I always love good linky parties because I stumble onto so many fantastic new blogs -- like yours! Glad we could connect!

  2. Paperless. Organization. Love both ideas. Thanks for sharing and giving me some ideas.

    Mrs. Bartel’s School Family

    1. You're welcome, Alyce. Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment!

  3. Love the paperless challenge. I was thinking you could even take pictures of school notes and post them for parents or send them in a text. I am your newest follower!

    Hope you will stop by my blog and check it out.

    1. That's a great idea! I definitely want to be taking more pictures next year.
      On my way to check out your blog...Thanks for following me!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leading me to yours! I am excited to be following another 4th grade blogger!

    1. Welcome, Bethany! I'm always excited to connect with fellow fourth grade teachers!

  5. I am so excited to find your blog. I found you through the Joy in 6th Linky. I love the ideas you share about going paperless on your blog. I love technology too and I can't wait to try several of your "missions."

    New follower,
    Mrs. H's Resource Room

    1. Thanks, Kim! I'm happy you could join me. Welcome!


  6. Third comment for the I too will revamp my math instruction. I took the guided math workshop at COPL and this summer and I'm definitely going in the same direction as you are. I still have lots to plan out but I'm glad to know I won't be the only one using this approach! I would love to follow in your steps of less paper usage however a part of me fears students becoming too reliant on technology...what are your thoughts on that? I'm so lucky to be able to work with you!! :) (cheesy I know)

    1. I'd love to collaborate on the guided math/math workshop stuff this year! We should talk more about that soon.

      As far as the technology component, I have a lot of thoughts...
      1. For many of the things that students are using the iPad for (e.g., note-taking), I don't see it as being so different from using a notebook and a pencil. I worry about students becoming too reliant on paper and pencils. :-)
      2. I think the technology fears really depend on how the iPads are being used. If students are just playing games and looking up answers, then that's a problem. But if they're still engaged in the rigorous work of mathematics, then I don't see any problem.
      3. I'm not sure if there's a downside to being reliant on technology as long as we're also teaching students problem solving skills that can be generalized beyond math. Technology is going to be a major part of their world, and I want them to be as flexible and fluid with it as possible.

      My 2 cents...thanks for your comment!
