
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Resolutions!

Happy 2013 Everyone!

I love New Year's Day. Much like the first day of school, there's something exciting about the promise of a fresh start and a clean slate. I typically tackle some New Year's Resolutions every year, and some years are more productive than others. I've found that when I'm most successful with my resolutions, it's because they're ones that I'm really motivated to achieve. In addition, the resolutions are specific, realistic, and measurable so I can track my progress along the way. I'm using that premise to guide my resolutions this year, and I have to say, I'm excited to share them.

My resolutions fall into three major categories: blogging, teaching, and personal/health.

Blogging Resolutions


1. I will average 5 original blog posts per week. I've actually been thinking about this one for a while. I've purchased a planner just for blogging, and I've been mapping out ideas for blog posts. I've wanted to do more writing, and I feel like I've finally got enough figured out and settled down in the rest of my life that I can dedicate myself to this goal.

2. I will build up to 500 followers or more on this blog.  I'm reviewing the videos and resources over at Teaching Blog Traffic School, and I'm hoping that (along with more frequent posts) will help me develop strategies to reach more teachers. (Are you already following my blog? If not, could you help me out?)

Teaching Resolutions


1. I will enter at least one grade per subject in the online gradebook each week. I'm really bad about using our district's online grade book, and I know I'm not alone in that category. The system is not terribly user-friendly, and I usually put off all of my interactions with it until the end of the term when I'm scrambling to finish report cards. I've blogged about my grading issues in the past, and while I've gotten better about it, I still have some serious room for improvement.

2. I will document my work every day. I've realized that I need to work smarter, especially since I'm not likely to change grade levels or curriculum standards any time soon. I'm inconsistent about writing detailed lesson plans in advance, but I could do more to write down what we accomplish each day, what resources we use, what works, what doesn't, etc. so I have something more to build off of next year. I can use quick notes and photographs to help with that, and that can help me get more organized and help with my blogging goals as well.

Personal/Health Resolutions


1. I will lose 50 pounds this year. This is a big one, but I think losing about a pound a week is reasonable. I had been doing really well with weight loss a couple of years ago, but then I started a new job and had a beautiful baby girl, and all of my progress was lost (and then some). I'm pretty tired of my clothes not fitting right, and I know I'd feel a lot better if I was working out consistently and eating better.

2. I will eliminate most processed foods from my diet, especially soda. My daughter's food allergies forced us to rethink a lot of the food we were eating last year, and I found that when I was actually cooking meals without using processed foods, the meals were tastier and healthier. In addition, when I was really losing weight, I was drinking lots of water instead of soda. I suspect that good changes in this category will help me with the weight loss resolution as well.

I'm linking up with Jen at The Teachers' Cauldron for these resolutions. If you haven't already joined in on her linky party, click the image below and make your way over! There are TONS of teachers linking up, and it's a great way to find some new blogs! (That's what I'll be doing!)

Now that I've shared my New Year's Resolutions, I'd love to hear about yours! What are your goals for 2013? Let's cheer each other on to make this year the most successful one for teachers yet!


  1. I found you through the linky... I love your idea of documenting every day what you do. I might just have to do that as well.

    Mrs. Bartel’s School Family

    1. Thanks! I've stopped over at your blog and became a follower, so I'll get to see if you do give it a try! ;)

      Thanks for taking the time to comment!

  2. It was nice to read your resolutions. I had not read your blog before but I found it through TPT. I will come back to read how you use the BUMP IT UP strategy. You might want to come to visit my blog at I post lots of FREEBIES and I too have a delayed post coming up this weekend...where you can find the posters on TPT but the blog post hasn't been published yet....two peas in a pod I say! Anyhow, I am your newest follower. Please visit me and perhaps return the favour!
    Happy Blogging in the New Year!

    1. Thanks for the comment! I just visited your blog and became a follower as well. I look forward to trading ideas in the coming months!

      Thanks again,

  3. Great resolutions! I'm working on losing weight and blogging more as well.
    I'm a new follower!
    Strive to Sparkle
