
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Good Things Are Coming to Eberopolis!

Eberopolis is getting an overhaul! I'm working on lots of new content that I'm excited to share, and the "official" re-launch will happen next Monday.

Here is what you can come to expect in the coming days on Eberopolis:

Mondays - Classroom Management suggestions, both general and subject-specific.
Tuesdays - Tech-related tutorials that show how I'm using tech in the classroom and how you can do the same.
Wednesdays - Focus on Writer's Workshop
Thursdays - Focus on Reader's Workshop
Fridays - Freebies and Other Fantastic Finds
Saturdays - Weekend reading -- books that I'm reading and links to my favorite blogs written by others throughout the week.

Where did this renewed interest in blogging come from? Two sources. First, I've been meaning to do more professional writing lately, and I've been stockpiling a list of ideas for quite sometime. Now that Sydney is becoming slightly more independent and predictable, I feel like I have time to blog again.

Second, I finally participated in Teaching Blog Traffic School, and I'm glad I did. I've come across all sorts of helpful tools and suggestions that have sparked my creative juices, and I'm meeting all sorts of awesome teachers from across the country. If you've ever thought about starting your own classroom blog, then I'd definitely recommend this resource. It is a paid site, but the quality and quantity of information as well as the collegial atmosphere are worth the money.

Teaching Blog Traffic School

Teachers - When you visit teaching-related blogs, what kinds of information is most helpful to you? What keeps you coming back for more? Feel free to sound off in the comments below!

Until Monday (I'm so excited!!!),


  1. I love your blog design! I'm your newest follower and thanks for following me!

    (Classroom Magic)

  2. Hi Alison! Your new blog design looks fabulous! I am you newest follower and a fellow TBTS member!

    One Teacher's Take
