
Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday Freebie: Common Core Assessment Checklist

I use checklists a lot. They help me see what I need to teach and where students still need some help. Sometimes I will make checklists that assess the class as a whole, and other times, I will use a separate checklist for each child.

I like to break it down into three categories:

Yes - the student shows evidence of mastery
Sort of - the student is close to mastery but still needs a bit of help, or
Not yet - the student is not yet able to master this standard

I've started to work on some assessment checklists for next year with the Common Core ELA Standards for 4th grade, and I wanted to share the one that I've made for Reading Literature.

Click on the image above to get your checklist.

Do you use checklists? What are some of the ways you use checklists to help you in the classroom? Share your thoughts in the comments section.

Happy Friday!


  1. HI Alison!

    Thanks for sharing this resource! I created a student checklist towards the Common Core for my third graders too. I think they like it almost as much as I do.
    I am a new follower to your adorable blog.

    Have a great weekend!

    1. We actually haven't started teaching Common Core yet -- that will be next year, so all of these resources are just in anticipation for me. I'm anxious to get started, though.

      Thanks for commenting!

  2. I am a fifth grade teacher and would LOVE to have an ELA CCSS checklist- is there one already made or am I on my own for taking your idea and running with it?

    1. So far, I've only made the ELA checklist for 4th grade, but I may end up making one for 5th grade, too, since I teach in a school that only has 4th and 5th grade. Check back later this summer and I'll share if I have it. Of course, you can feel free to make your own. :)

      Thanks for commenting!

  3. Haven't really gone through it yet, but thank you. NW

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  5. This is awesome...both my students & I love it. They see & know exactly what they know and what they need to work on. Thanks for sharing!!! Do you have one for 4th grade math???

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