
Monday, July 18, 2011

Over a month later...

As I enter my final week of summer vacation (and honestly, where did this vacation go!), I have time to update on my progress toward the 2,000 hours project. In June, I spent 66.2 hours working on school related things with about 40 of those hours spent in workshops, conferences, and professional learning opportunities. The rest was devoted to lesson planning. So far this month, I've spent about 32 hours working on lesson plans and preparing materials for the classroom. I expect that number could nearly double this week since school work is high on my priority list. To see the complete and frequently updated breakdown of how I'm spending my time, click here.

I'm very excited about going back to school next week, but more than a little bit wary, too. My due date is only 5 weeks away, and while I'm miserably pregnant at this point and dying to meet my little one, I do not want to give up a single second of time in my classroom. There is so much that I want to and need to accomplish with my class before I leave, and it kills me to know that I'll have to entrust my students to someone else for 12 weeks. I'm sure the sub will be fabulous, but it's going to be tough to give up the reins for a while. I'm trying to figure out some ways that I can stay involved--such as implementing a digital writer's workshop so I can read their writing and give feedback on it--but there are a lot of variables at play that I'll still need to investigate. I'll update more on that as I figure it out.

Nothing new to report on the iPad front. I've been playing with my personal iPad all summer, but I haven't gotten one from the district yet. Hopefully that will happen next week!

Back to planning...

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